Openstack Trove Review Stats

It has been helpful to look at the review stats for the OpenStack Project Trove over time to see the involvement of the community. During the Trove weekly team meeting we have used the reviewstats tool to get data points and track them in a spreadsheet so that we can graph the commits, patches, and reviews to see where we stand.


Clone the reviewstats repo from the openstack-infra project on github.

git clone

I’ve created a venv just for this project and installed the project into it.

Then I created a simple helper bash script that includes the credentials needed for the scripts. Pull your username and password for gerrit from gerrit settings

reviewers -p projects/trove.json -r10 -d 7 -u ${GERRIT_USERNAME} -P ${GERRIT_PASSWORD}
openreviews -p projects/trove.json -u ${GERRIT_USERNAME}

After that setup, we can run this script and get the data for the last week on the project.

We’ve added this data to a google spreadsheet and graphed it over the last year.

Written on March 21, 2016